Tag Archives: rant

Where does the time go?

I feel I don’t really have much time for myself these days, there’s always something that needs to be done when I get home, and by the time that is done it’s close to bedtime :/

I try to find time to deal with my “projects” but find my self starring blankly at the screen more often then I actually do some about them, mind just isn’t tuned into that lately. Did manage to work some on my themes the past Sunday, when I had the luxury of having the house all to my self and had virtually no “must dos” to take care of.

I had hopes to get a new WordPress theme out, but never got to finishing up that. Well in all it is done, just that when I developed it WordPress was still on version 2.8, with the release of 3.0 some things changed significantly so I’m currently porting it up. The theme I plan on releasing in a near future is the one used on Seen, Heard and Read.

I’m not sure if it will be officially released on this blog, or my new site that I’m working on. Surely it will arrive at wordpress.org if it gets approved.

Once I’m done with porting the theme, and my new site, I’ll start working on a new theme for this blog, it is long overdue 🙂

Christmas preparations

It’s full speed ahead with Christmas preps, I think I got it all under control though.

The ham is lying in salted brine in my fridge, tomorrow it’ll be cooked. The salmon is in the fridge, it’s prepared as Gravlax, and will be ready to be eaten in a couple days 🙂 I’ve also pickled the herring, although I buy the half done version where all I really need to do is add the flavor and let it sit for a couple days to mature.

As far as it comes to the cleaning and putting up decorations I got a bit still left to do, but I don’t feel stressed out about it, I feel there’s plenty time to get it all done before Christmas eve arrives. Yes, around here it is Christmas eve that is the big day of Christmas celebration 🙂