
Been using it for a while now, I’m quiet liking it. Today I also found a desktop gadget for it, nice one although it can not post to google+ yet. From what I understand the gadget is designed for Windows 7, so might not work on Vista.

Had a little trouble getting it working, strangely enough a reboot solved the problem, it insisted that I had Internet Explorer in compatibility mode, which I had not, and refused to save the login data leaving the need to constantly login to see anything. Perhaps there was a lingering windows update that resolved with the reboot.

I also found what was listed as a desktop application, GClient, didn’t quiet like that one, guess it worked well, but only residing in the systray it didn’t really meet my needs, I wanted something that shows the google+ feed on my desktop without clicking an icon. This one did have the ability to post to google+ though, but never the less, I didn’t quiet like it so it was uninstalled.

Should you be interested in trying out google+, I do have a few invites to sent out, just leave a comment with a valid email to send the invite to if you are interested.

8 thoughts on “Google+”

  1. Hi Anna,

    The G+7 desktop gadget does work in Windows Vista (but why would you want to keep Vista on your machine when you can have Windows 7?)

    I am sorry for your troubles with G+7 not working properly. Have you tried version 1.6? It does not require firing-up of Internet Explorere, as it has its own embedded authentication helper application. The new verison can be had from

    Best Regards

  2. The comment about Vista was aimed at possible Vista users reading the blog 🙂 I do not have Vista installed.

    I have now, it was that version that gave me grief until I rebooted the computer, now it seem to work just fine, had not more troubles at least.

  3. Didn’t take a screenshot. Did manage to reproduce though by going into settings and click “login again”. It comes up right after entering the details in the popup and getting logged in.

    The red bar at the top talks about compatibility issues, “You seem to have activated the compatibility view for Internet Explorer.START_BREAKGoogle+ works best if you deactivate it. Learn how to do this. Close” (text is originally in Swedish the quote above is my translation):

    Initially I never got to stay logged in once I closed that window (after hitting refresh, which did absolutely nothing, as instructed in the gadget).

    However this time I stayed logged in, possibly because I already was.

  4. Ahh, this one. Don’t pay attention to it. This is cause by the WebBrowser control used by my authentication app to display google+ login. This control apparently defaults its rendering engine to the old-style Internet Explorer one, instead of to the latest one. I am not sure if this can be prevented. Perhaps it can, but I don’t suppose there is much sense in doing it. If you succeed in logging in, just close the window.

  5. Main issue would be I didn’t successfully login.

    That page said I was logged in and showed my stuff, gadget itself refused to keep me logged in, until I rebooted computer after installing the widget :/

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