Blue Steel

Blue Steel
Blue Steel

I finally got around to sorting the last few bits and making it available to the public.

The theme has four dynamic areas and three columns. It supports nested comments as well as pop-up comments.

The theme is used on my Wine and Dine blog if you wanna check it out more in details you can do so there. Only difference is that my blog uses an image header instead of plain text.

Theme is developed using WordPress 2.8

The theme is now approved by and is officially available through them as well.

Direct link for it:

Download Lavender Dream

17 thoughts on “Blue Steel”

  1. Hello LadyAnna!

    Thank you for your beautiful blue steel wordpress theme!

    We would like to ask you if there is any way to remove the blue box (after we’ve disallowed comments on the front page), we want to remove the box that says “No Responses to “Welcome….”
    Comments are currently closed.

    Thank you so much for your help!

  2. Yes there’s a way to remove that, it includes a little editing of the file comments.php though. Open that in the built in editor of wordpress, or download and open with a text editor (notepad for instance if using windows).

    Find this part:

    <div class="comment-header">
    <h3><?php comments_number('No Responses', 'One Response', '% Responses' );?> to “<?php the_title(); ?>”</h3>
    if ('open' == $post->comment_status) {
    if ( !(have_comments()) ) {
    echo "<p class='postmetadata'>Be the first to say something about this article</p>";
    else {
    echo "<p class='postmetadata'>Please add your comment to the article</p>";
    else {
    echo "<p class='postmetadata'>Comments are currently closed</p>";

    And replace with this:

    if ('open' == $post->comment_status) {
    echo "<div class='comment-header'><h3>";
    comments_number('No Responses', 'One Response', '% Responses' ); echo " to “";
    the_title(); echo "”</h3>";
    if ( !(have_comments()) ) {
    echo "<p class='postmetadata'>Be the first to say something about this article</p>";
    else {
    echo "<p class='postmetadata'>Please add your comment to the article</p>";
    echo "</div>";

  3. Yes, to change the limit for the buttons open functions.php scroll down to the function my_wp_list_pages()

    Find this part of the code, it’s the first line inside the function:
    $pages = get_pages('child_of=0&parent=0&number=5');

    change number=5 at the end to number=7 (or other number that suits to match). The limitation was put there to prevent the menu buttons to wrap around to a new line. The pages that doesn’t fit in as buttons should show as links in sidebar though.

  4. Um, can you help me? I love your theme. Somehow I figured out how to change the welcome box message, but I’ll be ding donged if I can remember how. (I did it when I first started setting up my blog, but now I want to change it and can’t remember where I go to do it.) Any help would be most appreciated. THANKS!

  5. The easiest way is to add a text widget to the sidebar top area and use that when you want to edit your text.

    The other option is to edit one file, sidebar.php. You want to change the bolded part at in this snippet of code:

    <?php if ( !function_exists('dynamic_sidebar') || !dynamic_sidebar('Sidebar Top') ) : /* Widgetized sidebar, if you have the plugin installed. */ ?>
    <div class="before"><div class="after"><h2 class="widgettitle">Welcome visitor!</h2></div></div>
    <p>This sample text is useful for making a short presentation of your site, or for displaying widgets or ads which require a bit extra width. Edit this text in sidebar.php - or add a sidebar to the "Sidebar Top" widget area to change this text...</p>
    <?php endif; ?>

    Since you have changed it once, the text content between the <p> and </p> tags will be different from the code above though.

  6. THANKS SO MUCH! This helps a lot. I knew I had done it, but I didn’t know where!

    But I do have another question…you know the footer part (where it says the theme and powered by WordPress and with the Entries and Comments RSS)? Instead of being at the bottom it’s up more in the middle. Any idea how to fix that?

    If you want to see, my link is Sorry to be a pest. But I really appreciate your time!

  7. Yes, I can probably sort that. Although I must admit it is not very easy to spot where the error is, without actually being able to compare your altered files the original files 🙂

    However I think it would help adding <br class="clear" />
    after the code for your “follow me” twitter plugin. Or possibly by moving that to be before:

    <br style="clear:both;" />
    </div><!-- End wrapper div -->

    If none of that help, could you please compress your altered files and send me an e-mail with the zip archive to so I can take a closer look and help you sort it.

  8. Will do! Thanks so much! I’ll see if this works. But I greatly appreciate you being willing to look into it further if this doesn’t solve it.

  9. THANK YOU SO MUCH! When you said edit code the light dawned that it must’ve been something I did when I added a favicon.ico. Sure enough, that was the culprit! I think I worked it all out now. You have been WONDERFUL to help so fast like this. I love this theme and even though I know very little about the technical side of things, I’ll learn whatever to make this one work. (Which luckily proved an easy fix. 😉 I think it’s just beautiful! Thanks so much again. (Enough applause. I’m going to put my money where my mouth is. Just noticed your handy donate button.) Thanks again.

  10. Hi Anna,

    I am using Blue Steel. Thanks for a great theme! I had a couple of questions that I hoped you could give me an answer to. I have created a simple header in Photoshop and I would like to use it. I tried to install it and doubles the header and the text from the Name of the blog and tagline stay as well. When I look in the style sheet the header only seems to have a height so I’m quite sure if I am looking in the right place. Could you please tell me how I can install this? Thanks so much again.

  11. Hello Natalie,

    You’ll want to make a couple changes in the header.php in order to use an image instead of the default text.

    Inside the div with class bloginfo (<div class="bloginfo">....</div>) is where you want to remove the two lines starting <h1>... and <div>...

    Instead of those two lines add one with the image tag: <img src="path/to/your/image.jpg" alt="Blogname" />

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