Category Archives: General

(Re)discovering my music

Sat in the car today, heading for work and listening to a mp3 CD I have there. I skipped a few songs that I wasn’t really up for. And to my big surprise a song I didn’t recognize was on there as well 😮

I’m absolutely certain it is music I at some point did chose to get as I burned it from music I have on my computer. Granted it could come from an album with various artists, I don’t really recognize all of the artists/songs on those. When it comes to full albums by one artist/group only, I think I recognize all I have 🙂 Might be wrong. Continue reading (Re)discovering my music

Google Chrome – Another webbrowser (updated)

Yes, it has arrived, and can be downloaded as a Beta. I am writing this post using it. It looks neat, no innovative design, but over all easy to navigate. It imported bookmarks and saved passwords from FireFox without any problems. (Don’t have anything in my IE so dunno how/if that works smoothly as well)

What strikes me at first is that there’s very little settings to be done, guess that will change when it is completed and out of Beta state. I did expect it to be a bit more though. Will use it for a few days and see how I like it as everyday browser. 🙂

The download can be found here:

UPDATE: I have now used it for a day, and I’m not sure it will be my default browser in it’s current state.

  1. Can’t refresh page by rightclick anywhere, it only has that on the tab.
  2. Can’t view source of a peticlular part of site, something I use very often in FireFox.