My course is all done

We had “graduation” yesterday. I did learn a lot useful about starting, and having, your own business, one of the things was realizing now is not the correct time for me to start up.

I still hope I’ll be there within a year, probably not full time though, I plan on doing it part time as an extra income for starters. Kind of on a hobby level to start it up gently. So plan A would be finding a job.

Lately I have come to realize I am probably getting old, it’s less then a month until I tick of 35 years :/ All of a sudden men over 40 doesn’t seem as old as they used to, I noticed a while back something changed.

Actors whom I never really gave much thought regarding if they looked good or not, due to them being old (45-50+) suddenly look cute… I’ll take that as a sign I’m getting old, I’m fairly sure they didn’t get younger or change all that much between the seasons or episodes 🙂