Tag Archives: weaving

Started weaving

As some of you might know my grandmother recently passed away, me, my sister and my two aunts and my uncle were the ones to inherit her. Not a big inheritance, at least not if you look to monetary value, but sentimental values are fairly high on most things.

One of the things I currently have in my possession is her loom, a floor model. It’s set up in my basement, and I’m trying to figure out how to use it properly 🙂 I did weave some at my granny’s when I was a young girl, so I have some knowledge on the how to at least. The one thing I had no knowledge about is setting it up, preparing it for weaving. No problem, information is right there out in the cyberspace…

Well I got it up and running, so I went on to try and remember how granny made the patterns she wove in to the tablecloths. Today I figured it out with a little help from a computer application… It’s great to have figured it out, less great to realise I have to redo a large part of the setup of the loom to be able to actually weave the patterns…

I so wish granny had left a note on the how to somewhere, but if she did I sure didn’t find them. I guess I know what I’ll be spending a couple hours doing… It sure does take time to re-thread 192 threads through the loom 🙂