Tag Archives: rant

Heating out of order :(

The heating at work is out of order, leaving a rather cold environment for us to work in 🙁

Well with it being a warehouse, I guess heating is not really the priority, we only got a couple heating fans. The type normally used during construction to keep things above freezing point, one in each end of the warehouse, and none seem to work as intended 🙁

With temperatures dropping below freezing outside, temperatures around -5 degrees Celsius (23 degrees Fahrenheit), the inside temperature is also dropping, so far it has stayed above freezing point at least, lowest known temp is +6 degrees Celsius (42.8 degrees Fahrenheit). Since we don’t check the thermometer all that often it could easily be colder as well… Some times it even feels as though it is warmer outside then it is inside, especially while the sun is still up.

Oh well, hopefully we get to move into the new warehouse soon, we were supposed to have moved a couple months ago… The problem is the new warehouse is not yet finished, there’s a bit of construction work still going on there :/ But we have hopes it won’t be so much longer at least, when we were over to check last week we could see an end to the constructions 🙂

Luckily it’s not at home it’s out of order at least…

My weekend

We had a good deal of snow during the end of last week, and it is still here 🙁 Even had to shovel the snow this time. Or rather my boyfriend did, I got away this time 🙂 I’m pretty sure I’ll get my share of that before spring comes again though. 😀

The first round of snow never stays they usually say, but this time, I’m not sure… Well technically it’s not the first snow, it’s the second time it’s snowed this winter, the first was barely countable as snowing though. I did get the winter tyres on at my car as well, my dear boyfriend saw to that on Friday evening.

Halloween passed with no “trick or treaters”, though we stacked up a bit on candy as we did expect at least the kids from next door to stop by… They didn’t. Their father who had drove them to a couple friends of the family that live a bit further away kind of forgot to stop by here with them, to close to home perhaps.

We did go up to the cemetery and light candles on mom and dads grave on Saturday, on “All hallows eve”. Up until a few years (maybe a bit more then a few though) we didn’t really have Halloween the same way as in US for instance, there was no trick or treat then, only a tribute to the loved ones that had passed away. Traditionally by tending to the grave, especially by lighting candles for their souls. It’s actually rather moving and peaceful to walk through the cometary after dark this day, with the candles on all graves.

We didn’t go there after dark this year though. I had a few friends and family coming over for some cake in the afternoon.

I had my birthday during weekend, on Sunday, but since I worked then the cake was eaten on Saturday. The years does pass by, rather unnoticed. I could easily skip the cake and all as well, but when I tried last year, my boyfriend said that was not an option. “On your birthday you should always have some cake at least”, he said 🙂