I’ve made a decision

I’ve decided to add a downloads section for my site, where I’ll collect my WordPress themes and other things I wanna share. I have made a test installation of a script that will help me keep track of the downloads and provide me with statistics.

The only downside to this is that the script itself is fairly old and apperantly not in development any longer. So why chose this? Well I’ve used it before and it is a good script, that provides what I want it to and more over it is easy customize.

I looked at a few others, more recent scripts, and they just didn’t cut it for me. I’m sure they would do the job nicely, I just didn’t like the way they displayed files (using a file tree as most OS does is very popular it seems). So I was very happy when I found the script I used some years ago. Since then there had been a few version changes, but the last one was a couple years old. I figured I’d give it a shot anyways. And the code seem stable, and as far as I can tell there are no (widely) known security issues with this last release. I did a search for that.

What this means in reality is that if there’s some bugs, or if there’s some new function I wanna have, I’ll have to figure that out my self… But I’ll give it a stab 😀 I won’t officially take up developing the script, though in theory I could since it is an open source project under “GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE”, as I currently have to little knowledge of PHP coding.

However if I find any bugs, that I am capable of fixing with help of more experienced coders or on my own, I will make my findings public. If YOU use the script and find a bug that you can resolve, or have resolved I’d be very happy to know of them, especially the solution found.

Oh, might as well tell what script I’m talking about as well 🙂 I’m talking about Olate Downloads version 3.4.3

PS. Have you found a newer release, I’d like to know that as well.

My afk project in the basement

I figured I might as well share few pics from my hobby room with you all. The hobby room is all set for use now, all cleaned up and I’ve mounted some shelves for storage.

Well the cleaning up was done a while back. I actually had to mop the floor three times to get it all cleaned up, was a very long time since anyone did that. The room was only used for storage the last few years.

My loom
My loom

As you might know by now, I got a loom (posted about it here earlier). I did get it right in the end, and have almost made a 1 meter long runner in yellow. Not entirely sure it was a good idea to make it so long though, not even sure the color fits our house… But I had to start somewhere. I got a few other colors to chose from as well. Runners are mainly made from a special kind of yarn, but rags can be used as well. Granny mostly made them with yarn, but I know she made some using both yarn and rags as well.

All boxes contains rags of some sort
All boxes contains rags of some sort

I also got a lot rags with the loom. They are now neatly sorted into boxes color wise. All I have to do now is get creative 🙂 But before I can get full use of the rags to make rag carpets I need to finish of the warp that is currently setup.

While sorting through them I got a few aha moments, recognizing the fabrics 🙂 I did throw away a lot rags as well though, as the balls of rags were pretty small. No point in keeping something that would only be enough for a centimeter or two of carpet 🙂

In case the rags shouldn’t be enough when I turn to weaving with rags I got a big basket full of worn out bed sheets and stuff that can be made into more rags 🙂

The desk where I'll be sewing
The desk where I'll be sewing

Also there’s a place for my sewing machines there (only one shown in the picture). I ones did get me an education in the area of sewing clothes, mainly women’s clothes. I’m basically one step away from being a women’s tailor 🙂 It is a rather long step though, since I’d need to have a lot more experience before I can (successfully) take the last test.

In any case I enjoy sewing, and through out the years I’ve made a few items for my self, the best part of doing that is they actually fit 🙂 I’m not made from the same mould that the clothing industry uses when they make clothes. I’m about 10 centimeters to short.