Category Archives: General

I hate funerals

Luckily I haven’t needed to attend all that many, but the majoroty of the ones I have attended has been for people that should have had many years left 🙁

It’s easier to accept death as part of life when the deseased is someone who has lived a full, long life, then when someone is taken away at a far to young age.

But I guess there’s a plan and a reason behind everything.

A special day dedicated to the art of love?

Found this article while browsing the forums that comes with my hosting company (both support and off topic are discussed there).

Jonathan Yaniv, the young man behind the idea, has a goal set to get 1 million Canadians participating in the event, not all at the same place though.

Maybe it is a needed day, to promote love and caring.

But frankly I’d say that any day is good for sex as long as you got the right person to do it with, and are in the right mood of course 🙂