Category Archives: General

Winter is coming closer

Not sure at all that I like that but it will still arrive. Temperature is starting to drop down below freezing point, I’ve at a few occasions needed to remove ice from the windscreen of my car already. And there’s reports about snow coming in through the country, they even say we should expect some during the week πŸ™

Suppose it is about time to put the winter tyres on the car now.

Luckily I have got me a better car this year then I did last year πŸ™‚ Though heating was better in the old one I think… At least it was faster to get the car warmΒ  inside, this newer one has climate control, so I can’t put the fan on full speed with “really hot” for a short time, it’ll take the time it want to adjust the temperature inside to match my setting.

Got a couple days off from work now, next planned shift is Sunday afternoon πŸ™‚

That hopefully does mean that I will get my friends site ready for launch by the end of the week. As well as get a few other things done, that really should have been done already πŸ˜€ I really need to stop saying “I’ll do it tomorrow” to myself and just do them instead of something that, at the time, seem more fun. Well I don’t do that with everything, things I’ve promised someone to do for a certain day, usually gets done in time, if workschedule isn’t changed unexpectedly.

Lock Gmail at certain hours

Have you ever sent a mail, under the influence of alcohol, that you regretted the next day? Now you can avoid those with Gmail.

Gmail have a feature that lets you pick days and time when the sending of mail has a small lock. But don’t worry if you absolutely must send a mail during the chosen time frame, you can unlock by solving a few simple maths problems, within a certain time.

The default times are Friday and Saturday between 10 pm and 4 am, but can easily be changed. You even get to chose a level of difficulty of the maths problems πŸ™‚ There’s 5 levels. Unfortunately you can’t chose different time frames for different days.

The function is found under the tab Labs, and is called Gmail Goggles