Category Archives: General

April fools day

I guess this day is universal, at least from what I gathered.

Over here most of the newspapers try and trick us with false news (usually one per paper), this applies to both the online editions and the paper editions. It’s rather fun to try and figure out which news item is actually the trick one. 🙂

The trick news is always a funny or weird one, they would never ever try and trick about something really serious luckily.

I spotted the first one just a few minutes ago at IDG (an online tech news site, in Swedish). It didn’t fool me, as it seemed a bit off, although not ridiculously off, but I guess it will fool some 🙂 According to comments at least a couple sound as they fell for it.

The news? They tried convincing us that monitor fabricators secretly made the new LCD screens into touch screens, just that the feature was disabled from factory. They even provided a link that supposedly should help activate it (an browser app in Beta they had stumbled upon was gonna do that trick).

Started using twitter… (sort of)

I got me an account, but it’s not really right to say I’m actually using it… I’ve only updated a few times since I got it, so maybe it wasn’t for me 🙂 I got a client on my desktop so it should be very easy to update more often. Maybe I just need to get used to doing it.

However the intention is not primarily to tell everyone about everything that I do, but rather to give a brief update once in a while, a little more often then I update this blog.

I will add it as a widget on one of the sidebars eventually, or possibly as a feed on the front page of my site, or maybe both.