Category Archives: General

Cool new plugin

This blog is already connected to my twitter account, and it is capable of posting updates to my facebook wall as well. So why not start adding some of the features in?

I was looking for a plugin that would allow you, the reader, to easily click a link and update your twitter feed with what you are reading here. I have found one, but I do not really like that one, although it does work indeed. During my search I found a nice plugin that takes some of twitters functions into my blog instead. I just had to install and try it 🙂

If it works as I think you can now do @seenheardread style comments and it will automatically turn into links to the associated twitter profile. The mentioned one is one of my twitter accounts, that one is tied with the blog Seen, Heard and Read.

Further more hashtags are supposed to work as well 🙂 (not tested)