Category Archives: General

Comodo dragon, now browsing the web

Comodo, more commonly know for providing Internet security with antivirus and firewall software has now launched a web browser, the Comodo Dragon.

This has to be tested 🙂 Not that I really need to install yet another browser, I already have five, which all has its quirks, annoyances and good sides.

I’ll take it for a test spin and get back to you in about a week with more information about how it feels.


I’ve been testing the Dragon for a bit now 🙂

If you have been using Google Chrome, you will feel right at home. I’d even go as far as to say that Chrome does look a little better, or at least the user interface does feel better. There’s not much that differs though, it’s all in the details. Although the buttons for home, reload, back and forward does look better in Dragon.

Part from a slightly changed user interface I didn’t really notice any big differences, Dragon is a bit picker when it comes to certificates (https requests) though. Dragon does throw up a couple warnings on sites that chrome doesn’t (it does throw a warning for Facebook for instance), with a bit information as to why a site could be considered a bit risky, nothing site specific though.

Xmarks – Backing up your internet bookmarks.

Have you ever re-installed your computer or got yourself a new one, realizing you have to go find and add all your favorite sites again in your browser? No more. Xmarks will help you avoid that in the future.

All you need to do is download and install the plugin/add on for your browser(s). As it is now xmarks is available for FireFox, Internet Explorer and chrome if you are using windows. There is a version that works with safari as well, but that is only available for mac OS X.

Xmarks keep backups for you

If you accidentally removed a bookmark don’t worry, xmarks have backups for you. You can restore the full set of bookmarks from an earlier point. It can however not restore just one single bookmark from an older set of bookmarks. But on the other hand you can view a list of bookmarks from previous restore points  in the browser, so you can just open the bookmarked page and then add it again, thus restoring that single bookmark.

If  you however did notice your mistake right away, it would be safe to restore the full set, as the only change between current and previous set would be that one bookmark you just deleted by mistake.

Xmarks can also be used for sharing your bookmarks between computers, and between different browsers. For instance if you have one work computer and one private computer and you want to be able to access the same bookmarks from both. If you have different bookmarks in the browsers, Xmarks can merge your bookmarks together for you, and remove the duplicates if there are any.

Working at computers shared with others?

Sometimes adding personal bookmarks is just not a good idea, especially if you share the same computer with others, or temporary use someone else’s computer. It can however still be very handy to access your own bookmarks, you might have bookmarked a page you often use, instead of having to click through various menus to get there.

Xmarks offers an option to log in to your account and access your bookmarks from the web on any computer, anywhere. This is something that I fairly often use when I need to access a page I just can’t remember the address for when I’m not at my computer. Remembering the address of xmarks ( is easy, and should I not do that, it is likely to be far more easy to find then a single page hidden deeply into a site 🙂

Xmarks can do more… It can sync your passwords. you can use it to share a folder of bookmarks as a publicly viewable page, or as an rss feed as well.