All posts by Anna

The oddity of dreams…

They say dreams are our subconscious’ way of dealing with the things we encounter in our day to day life. So far all is good, and I can believe in that statement. Most of the time I can even see a pattern in my dreams that backs that saying up.

However I’d like to know how dreaming about a person you haven’t bumped into for several years could fit into that description? Not only that, it was someone whom I never really hung out with. Granted we did go to school together, different classes though. I don’t recall we ever having a single class together… Not even sure we actually spoke very much at all back then.

When we had a reunion 10 years after we left that school (soon it has been another 10 years since), we did speak a bit, probably more then we did during all three years we were at the same school :/

The dream did not only contain this meeting up though, but the other events in the dream I can relate to as being my subconscious dealing with everyday stuff. Although in an odd way, as dreams usually do 🙂

Comodo dragon, now browsing the web

Comodo, more commonly know for providing Internet security with antivirus and firewall software has now launched a web browser, the Comodo Dragon.

This has to be tested 🙂 Not that I really need to install yet another browser, I already have five, which all has its quirks, annoyances and good sides.

I’ll take it for a test spin and get back to you in about a week with more information about how it feels.


I’ve been testing the Dragon for a bit now 🙂

If you have been using Google Chrome, you will feel right at home. I’d even go as far as to say that Chrome does look a little better, or at least the user interface does feel better. There’s not much that differs though, it’s all in the details. Although the buttons for home, reload, back and forward does look better in Dragon.

Part from a slightly changed user interface I didn’t really notice any big differences, Dragon is a bit picker when it comes to certificates (https requests) though. Dragon does throw up a couple warnings on sites that chrome doesn’t (it does throw a warning for Facebook for instance), with a bit information as to why a site could be considered a bit risky, nothing site specific though.