Work work work…

For a while now all I seem to be doing is work, eat and sleep.

I do sit here, in a sort of tired state asking myself why I don’t go to sleep  ^_^ Doing late shift this week so at least I can sit at comp during evening without being overly tired when alarm goes off at 5 am.

But really, there’s been to little free time, since for a few weeks all I had off was Saturdays. And well, they seem to have been filled with other stuff never allowing me to do nothing. I feel that the time to just be, and relax has been far to little for me lately.

Next week I have requested some vacation, so I guess I will get my free time to recharge. A lot stuff to be done of course, but I plan on doing nothing on Monday at least 🙂 I do need this week to catch up on a few things around the house.