I bought a nice little gadget today, to turn my computer into a very local radio station, it will only work in a range of about 200 meters from the transmitter.
The reason I got it is to connect PC to stereo without cable, they are in different rooms. I used to have a cable in between, but after we reorganized furniture in living room it wasn’t possible as easy. I had two choices, get a very long cable, or let it run across room. This didn’t really seem like a good idea, as eventually someone would trip on it.
Using the long cable alternative I could put it along the walls, and use cable clips to keep it in place, especially where it had to run right across a doorway. I’d then end up with music only in living room, on main stereo. Not always a good choice as the TV set also is located there. I do live with my boyfriend who might want to watch television while I want to have some music on while cooking, cleaning or whatever I want or need to do. Most of the boring household stuff feels a bit easier to do while listening to music, or an audio book for that matter.
I know, I could always have tuned in a ordinary radio station to get music, unfortunately most around here are no good, at least in my opinion. Either they have a lot commercials and play pretty much the same music over and over again (you could during a day hear a song several times), or they have idiotic radio (talk)shows and very little music. At some times exceptions occur where they actually have interesting talk shows and play pretty good music, but then you need to know when to tune in, and what channel it will be at that time.
Now I can get my music basically anywhere in house, where I got a radio receiver 🙂 So far I’ve only tested in kitchen and living room, and signal was very good there. Worked like a charm.