Tag Archives: weather

Right now I hate snow

There’s been some snow falling down lately…

More or less all day yesterday while I was at work, wet snow came falling as the temperature was just around freezing point. Temp varied between -1 and +2 degrees Celsius. When I went for home they hadn’t done a very good job ploughing the roads so they were a bit slippery 🙁 Over all though I got good winter tyres on my car so it wasn’t too bad, though speed was a bit under the limit for part of the road.

The snow kept coming during the night as well, and has done so this morning as well. So today I got a bit of snow to shovel 🙁

Had it been the light “dry” kind it would have been fairly easy though, but of course it is the heavy wet kind of snow. I’ve so far done half our drive way, I had to take a small break and get me something to drink. Now this might sound as though I’m a bit lazy, and well maybe I am, but we got a rather large drive way. I think we can fit eight or even nine cars on our drive way, though all can’t get out without others moving first…

I was gonna take a pic but the battery in the camera was dead, might post a pic of Swedish winter later on 🙂

Heating out of order :(

The heating at work is out of order, leaving a rather cold environment for us to work in 🙁

Well with it being a warehouse, I guess heating is not really the priority, we only got a couple heating fans. The type normally used during construction to keep things above freezing point, one in each end of the warehouse, and none seem to work as intended 🙁

With temperatures dropping below freezing outside, temperatures around -5 degrees Celsius (23 degrees Fahrenheit), the inside temperature is also dropping, so far it has stayed above freezing point at least, lowest known temp is +6 degrees Celsius (42.8 degrees Fahrenheit). Since we don’t check the thermometer all that often it could easily be colder as well… Some times it even feels as though it is warmer outside then it is inside, especially while the sun is still up.

Oh well, hopefully we get to move into the new warehouse soon, we were supposed to have moved a couple months ago… The problem is the new warehouse is not yet finished, there’s a bit of construction work still going on there :/ But we have hopes it won’t be so much longer at least, when we were over to check last week we could see an end to the constructions 🙂

Luckily it’s not at home it’s out of order at least…